Submit Artwork
Submission Process
To submit artwork for the project, please refer to the process & guidelines described on this page below.
Every submission must include a submission fee payment transaction which will cover the issuance and transfer costs of the artist’s Modern Relic subasset.
- Step 1: Acquire 1 RELICSUBMIT token
- Step 2: Destroy 1 RELICSUBMIT token
- Step 3: Save the transaction hash for the token destruction and include it as part of your artwork submission.
Once you have both your artwork ready and have destroyed 1 RELICSUBMIT tokens, please fill out the submission form below.
By submitting artwork, you agree to grant the Modern Relics project a non-revokable license to use submitted artwork as we see fit (to promote project, etc.)
Artwork guidelines
- Image must be 800×1120
- Acceptable file types include JPEG, PNG, GIF
- No websites or QR codes
- Artwork cannot be attached to another asset and/or submitted/accepted in another directory
- Original content only – do not steal (we will check)
- No NSFW or offensive content (we have a companion project Rude Relics for content of this type)